Serving the community through Outreach has always been a priority at St. Peter’s. Throughout the years our little church has been involved with Marshall County Needline, Jonathan Elementary School, a women’s AA group which has used Inspiration Hall for weekly meetings, Christmas on the River, Operation Christmas Child, Christmas in the Park and many more. Because of a generous donation, a few summers ago, we were able to put together 300 Dental Packs, including brushes, toothpaste and floss and deliver them to the Ky Sheriff’s Ranch, a local camp for under priviledged children from every county in Kentucky. At the end of each week of camp a child is picked to win a bicycle. Two girls bikes were also purchased and delivered to the camp, courtesy of St. Peter’s.

“Little Free Library”
and Labyrinth all open to the public.
St. Peter’s of the Lakes Episcopal Church, located at 47 Black River Rd, Gilbertsville, is excited to share two of our on-site Outreach Programs that are available to all in Marshall County.
St. Peter’s “Blessings Box” is a pantry stocked with non-perishable food items and personal hygiene products for those in need. We are blessed to have many in the local area donate to this wonderful outreach.
St. Peter’s “Little Free Library” is stocked with books for all ages, both fiction and non-fiction. We encourage you to use this wonderful resource and all we ask is that when you “Take a Book”, to please, “Return a Book”. Donations of books are always welcome!
Both these resources are located in a brightly lit area of the church parking lot. There is a sign at the corner of Hwy 641N and Red River Rd. (near Ky Dam State Park), directing folks to the “Blessings Box”. We sincerely hope that God’s love will shine on those in need and our desire to serve ALL God’s people will show through the commitment of St. Peter’s in providing these services in this part of the county.